Sacrifices to the Norse god Tyr?
The god Tyr, one of the Æsir, gave his name to the lake Tissø in western Zealand. The place was probably an important cult site. Several finds show that sacrifices were made in the lake as early as the time before the Birth of Christ. However, most objects, in the form of weapons and jewellery, come from the Late Iron Age and the Viking Age. Cultic rites were also celebrated on land at the magnate’s house. A number of fenced-in buildings by the large hall (the hov) may have been cultic buildings (hørg). In addition there are an unusual number of amulets from the residence, including Thor’s hammers and small pendants and fibulae of silver formed like valkyries. On a hilltop near the magnate’s residence, animal bones, pieces of jewellery, silver objects and coins have been found. These may come from an open sacrificial site. The whole complex thus included both a nature shrine and special cultic features.