Why was the grave from Korsør Nor under water?
Since the period of the Ertebølle Culture strong geological movements have tilted Denmark by approximately 15 m. Settlements at Tversted, south of Skagen, which lay on the coast 6000 years ago, are 12 m above sea level today. Meanwhile in the south of Denmark, for example around the island of Ærø, settlements are under 3 m of water. On Zealand settlements and graves have been lifted up 4-5 m in the northeast (Vedbæk), but have sunk 1-2 m in the southwest (Korsør Nor). This explains why the man from Kørsor Nor lay under water, when he was found, even though he was originally buried on land. In the same way, the remains of other dead people have subsequently been disturbed by the sea’s movements and are found spread all over the sea bed millennia after their deaths.