The woman from Himlingøje
A prosperous woman from Himlingøje is exhibited in her grave in the prehistoric exhibition at the National Museum. The prominent woman had valuable items with her in the grave. She was 40-50 years old when she died. In the grave she was given a brooch – a so-called fibula. On this was the runic inscription widuhudaR, which is a man’s name. Perhaps it was the name of the silversmith who had made the brooch, or of the man who had given it to the woman? She was also buried with five smaller silver brooches. In her mouth a ‘Charon’s coin’ of gold was found – a little piece of gold she could use to pay for her journey to the kingdom of the dead.
Around her wrist were two gold arm rings, and there were gold rings on two of her fingers. All were of the so-called ‘snake’s-head’ type, that is ornamented with stylized snakes’ heads. Beads and amulets of bone, glass, amber, bronze and silver also found their way into the grave, along with several pieces of a Roman drinking service of bronze.