Flint technology – a specialized craft
It was not just anyone who could make a flint dagger like the Hindsgavl Dagger. It was a very specialized craft, superior to anything that had been seen before, and required a master of the art! The secret behind the sophisticated daggers was the use of the so-called ‘soft technique’. By striking the flint directly with a soft hammer of antler or hard wood, one could make a crude initial form of the flint object. Afterwards a small flaking tool could be pressed on to the surface of the dagger to remove small oblong flint flakes.
![Flint technology](/typo3temp/assets/images/csm_Hindsgavl2.ende_02_53327b3907_89469d9097.png)
![Flint kan tilhugges på forskellige måder: Direkte slag med sten (hård teknik); direkte slag med hjortetak (blød teknik); pres med hjortetak (presteknik); indirekte slag på mellemstykke (stødteknik) samt direkte tryk (trykteknik). Flint technology](/typo3temp/assets/images/csm_Flintteknik-eng_e28b7e3932_6dc833f2de.png)
![Flint technology](/typo3temp/assets/images/csm_Hindsgavl-zoom_01_fe5d9d254c_ac6a409206.png)