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Kontakt Krigsmuseet hvis du har nogle spørgsmål

Contact the Danish War Museum

How to contact us:

Visitor entrance
Krigsmuseet (Danish War Museum)
Tøjhusgade 3
1220 København K

Postal address
Frederiksholms Kanal 12
1220 København K

Book guided tours or education
Email: krigsmuseet@natmus.d

Audience inqueries:

Media contact:
Communication Manager Julie Lorenzen
Phone: + 45 41 20 60 42

Marketing Manager Tue Fredholm

The Museum Shop
The phone number to the museum shop is 4120 6372. You can call here in case you forget anything at the museum.

Historical questions

The Danish War Museum’s Collections
The Danish War Museum’s custodians handles enquiries that relates directly to the museum´s objects and exhibitions. Write us an email on

Genealogy and forefathers
We do not have any information about forefathers and relatives who served in the army or the air force. If you are looking for this type of information you can use the Danish National Archives’ Levy Rolls . You cannot search in English for the documents, seeing as they are in Danish, but you can look for help on their website here

Drawings and pictures
We don’t have any drawings or pictures of ships and the likes. If you are looking for this type of documents, you can try the National Museum’s Collection or contact the Danish National Archives.

You can find more general information on Biblioteksbasen and at the Danish Royal Library. If you are seeking more specific information about weapons, you can try contacting the Danish Arms and Armour Society or Arma Dania