Opening Hours 2024
- Late Summer From 12.8-11.10 it is open from 10-16 every day except Monday.
- Autumn holiday From 12.-20.10 (autumn holiday) it is open every day from 10am-5pm.
- Autumn weekends From 21.10-29.11 it is open at 10-16 Saturday-Sunday. closed Monday-Friday.
- Christmas weekends From 30.11 to 22.12 it is open Saturday-Sunday. closed Mon-Friday.
With the exception of 13.12 when the museum is open from 2-7pm in connection with Christmas Eve/Lucia.
From 23.-26. December, the museum is open from 10am-2pm.
How do I find Frilandsmuseet?
Main entrance, shop and restaurant: Kongevejen 100, 2800 Lyngby
North entrance by Brede: I. C. Modewegs Vej 4, 2800 Lyngby
Take the S-train line E to Sorgenfri and a 10 minute walk to the museum. Bus 184 and 194 stop at the main entrance by Kongevejen 100. The Jægersborg-Nærum train stops in Brede near Frilandsmuseets north entrance.
Plan your journey (public transport)
If you have any questions please contact us at postfriland@natmus.dk
Where can I park?
All parking is free. There is parking right by and opposite the main entrance and on the corner of Kongevejen and Bjørn Wiinbladsvej. Also a large car park at the Northern entrance of I.C. Modewegs Vej 4.
Can I get something to eat and drink?
Yes, you have two options. You can bring your own food. We have four cozy picnic areas.
A kiosk in the central picnic area sells icecream, hotdogs, beverages, sandwiches, etc. During special events we have foodtrucks that serve food and bevarages.
May I bring my luggage in the museum?
Yes you may. We also have free lockers where your luggage can be kept during your visit. Borrow a key in the museumshop.
May I bring my pram?
Yes you may. But please do not take it inside the museum buildings and the museum gardens – the garden paths are very narrow.
Changing tables are available in toilets around the museum. Please ask in the museum shop.
May I bring my dog?
Yes you may. It is very welcome on a leash, but do not take it inside the museum buildings.
May I bring my bike into the museum?
No, you may not. But small children's bicycles without pedals are welcome.
Can I borrow trolleys?
Yes you can rent a trolley in the museum shop or by the Northern entrance.The trolleys are for small children and luggage. They can not be used for bigger children.
When can I ride in the horse carriage?
You can ride the horsedrawn carriage when the weather allows it. A carriage tour lasts about 15 minutes and costs 35 kr. for children and 50 kr. for adults. You can paywith MobilePay or cash or purchase a ticket in the museum shop in advance by credit card.
Can I get around by wheelchair?
Frilandsmuseets roads are gravel but stable. The terrain is hilly, so it may be difficult for wheelchair users, but it can be done. It is however difficult to get into courtyards and into the museum buildings with wheelchair. Three museum buildings have partial wheelchair access: Kniplehus from Nr. Sejerslev (no. 33), farm from Ostenfeld (no. 4) and Haugbarg Ejdersted (no. 31).
You can borrow a wheelchair. Write us an email in advance at postfriland@natmus.dk during opening hours and book teh wheelchair. The wheelchairs are not motorized.
There is handicap parking at both entrances.
May I take pictures and record video?
Yes. We will be really happy if you take pictures and films.
When photographing and filming please remember ...
- It must be for private use (eg vacation photos, photos you share on the Internet, etc.)
- You must use an ordinary camera (without the stand) with regular flash.
- Our exhibits must not be harmed.
- Do not bother the other museum visitors.
- You must follow our staff's instructions.
Professional photography for commercial publication, may take place after authorization by the museum's communications unit, which may set a fee for filming. This can be arranged. Please contact us via e-mail at postfriland@natmus.dk

Practical information
Welcome to Frilandsmuseet - The Open Air Museum north of Copenhagen.
Main entrance with shop and restaurant at Kongevejen 100, 2800 Lyngby
Nearest station: Sorgenfri
Bus numbers 184 and 194 stop at the main entrance Kongevejen 100.
Plan your journey (public transport)
North entrance on I.C. Modewegs Vej at Brede
Nearest station: Brede (Nærum line)
Free parking:
We have parking spaces at the main entrance and at Højskolevej, 2800 Lyngby and a large number of parking spaces at the northern entrance, I.C. Modewegs Vej near Brede.
Prams and pushchairs, changing facilities and handcarts
You can bring your own pram or pushchair with you or borrow a handcart. There are changing facilities in the toilets at the main entrance and at the picnicground situated in the middle of the museum.

Food and drink
A number of pleasant picnic areas can be found at the museum. Visit our cosy country kiosk where you can buy sandwiches, coffee, cakes and oldfashioned sweets and softdrinks.
Smoking is allowed in the picnic areas.
A Restaurant is located near the museum’s main entrance and is open during museum opening hours and offers a large selection of lunches, cakes, coffee, beer and water. The restaurant has a number of cosy function rooms and also serves food for companies or outings to the Open Air Museum.

The horse-drawn carriage
Take a lovely, relaxing tour in our horse-drawn carriage! The carriage operates every day weather permitting. The ride lasts around 20 minutes.
The carriage can be reserved for tours at the Open Air Museum itself, as well as outside the museum. Reservations are made by ringing the coachman before your visit on +45 60 88 01 33.
Visitors with disabilities or problems walking
There are two parking places for disabled near the main entrance at Kongevejen 100.
A wheelchair can be borrowed free in the museum shop. It is also possible to reserve a wheelchair in advance on 41 20 64 55 (during opening hours).
The ground surface
The museum’s tracks and paths are gravelled, but are stable to travel on by wheelchair. There is limited wheelchair access to the houses, courtyards and gardens.
Complete or partial wheelchair access: Ostenfeldgården (the Ostenfeld farm) - Ejderstedgården (the Ejdersted manor) - Huset fra Nr. Sejerslev (the house from Nr. Sejerslev)
Toilet facilities for disabled are available
The central eating area
In the central picnic area there are a number of tables which offer easy access for wheelchair users.