Exhibitions at the Frøslev Camp Museum

The Frøslev Camp Museum focuses on the period 1944-45 in which the camp functioned as a internment camp. Several thousand Danes were kept there by the German Security Police. Although the camp was built in order to avoid the deportation of Danes to concentration camps in Germany, some 1.600 Frøslev prisoners were in fact deported to Germany. Some 12.000 prisoners were interned in the Frøslev Camp.

The museum also features an exhibition about the so called traitors - people who collaborated with the German occupying power. During the judicial purge after World War II the camp, now named the Faarhus Camp, was used as a internment and prison camp for so called traitors. More than 5.000 individuals were detained in the Faarhus Camp from May of 1945 until the autumn of 1949.