Public Programmes
Public Programmes is a cross-departmental centre in the Research and Exhibitions department. The centre takes care of the coordination of a large number of interpretation tasks across the museum’s organisational structure to ensure appropriate planning procedures, effective collection of knowledge, optimal use of resources and cohesion of the museum’s visual appearance.
Digital Communication
Public Programmes develops, coordinates and supports work on the museum’s digital profile. This applies to the museum’s ‘mainsite’ and associated ‘subsites’, together with the large projects’ own ‘project sites’, and the museum’s digital presence, both in the social media and generally. The National Museum’s digital profile shall ensure that the museum is visible, digitally present and relevant for ordinary internet users interested in the museum’s key areas. Important success criteria for the work are user frequency and interaction with users, which are ensured by presenting new knowledge and new projects that illuminate the museum’s work.
The centre is also responsible for the museum’s presence in the social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube and Pinterest.
Press contact
Public Programmes takes care of contact with the press in cooperation with the departments of the museum and offers concrete advice about press releases, media training, interview technique etc. The press is an important link to the public and the aim of the press work is for the museum to become known and valued by the public, experts, foundations, politicians and opinion makers. Focus upon a good and optimised press contact is important, so that the National Museum can achieve a positive image amongst users and non-users.
Public Programmes coordinates and designs new arrangements of all the museum’s permanent exhibitions. The centre also coordinates and designs the yearly exhibitions in the Egmont Hall, together with the smaller temporary exhibitions in the Prince’s Palace, and the temporary exhibitions at Royal Jelling and the Frøslev Camp Museum. In addition, the Centre for Interpretation is responsible for the maintenance of the museum’s permanent exhibitions.
The Children's Museum
Public Programmes is also responsible for the operation of the Children’s Museum, including contact with the museum’s voluntary workers. The Children’s Museum is aimed at families with children, nursery schools and younger schoolchildren. History is presented through discovery, accumulation of experience and play to prepare children for visiting the museum’s collections. In cooperation with the museum’s collection departments, new elements are continuously developed for the Children’s Museum.
Public Programmes prepares and offers a number of educational services relating to the museum’s collections. The services take into account teaching programmes, pedagogical development and the main lines of the public debate on educational questions. The Centre for Interpretation prepares student material and information for teachers, and holds courses for teachers from all types of schools. In addition, the centre holds introductory and pedagogical courses for the groups of c. 60 students who attend the daily educational courses. The existing educational material is continually updated, and new services and educational forms developed in cooperation with the museum’s collection departments.
The School Service
The National Museum cooperates with the School Service, which has two employees based in Public Programmes. The main tasks are carried out in relation to the collection departments: Danish Prehistory, Danish Middle Ages and Renaissance, together with the Ethnographic Collections and temporary exhibitions. The School Service’s activities are part of the museum’s overall educational services and the School Service makes economic contributions to the development of educational programmes, materials and marketing.
Public Programmes plans and holds, in cooperation with the museum’s professional departments and service sections, the year’s programme of activities for children and adults relating to both the museum’s permanent and temporary exhibitions. The activities include guided tours, children’s workshops, talks, film showings and much more. In addition, the museum’s activities form part of a number of cultural events during the course of the year, such as Golden Days and Culture Night, as well as during the autumn and winter half-term holidays and at Fastelavn.