The man from Trindhøj
he oak-coffin burial from Trindhøj, near Vamdrup, in south Jutland was found in 1861. The grave was carefully excavated and all the finds were sent to the National Museum. The young man in the coffin was laid on a cow skin. He was dressed in a woollen coat with a belt and over the shoulders he wore a kidney-shaped cloak, which featured a sewn-on furry surface or nap. On his head he wore a round-crowned woollen hat, which also had a furry surface on the outside and on his feet were two woollen foot wraps.
The Trindhøj man had many fine things with him in the coffin: a bronze sword with associated wooden scabbard, a bronze razor, a horn comb and an extra hat in a bark box. He also had been given a blanket of white wool, which is found only rarely amongst Bronze Age textiles. The coffin is dendrochronologically dated to 1347 BC.