A small family?
There were several burials in the large barrow from Borum Eshøj, but the three oak-coffin graves were probably the original ‘occupants’ of the barrow. From dendrochronological analyses of the oak wood used for the coffins it can be established that the wood for at least two of the three coffins – and perhaps all three – was felled in 1351 BC. All three coffins were probably buried at the same time. The three deceased can be identified as a 50-60-year-old woman, a man of the same age and a young man aged 20-22. Perhaps they were a small family. The bodies were all buried in a way that showed great consideration. It was done carefully and they were given impressive grave goods. The Borum Eshøj graves are the largest single find of this kind from Denmark.
Watercolours and drawings of the three oak-coffin finds from Borum Eshøj by J. Magnus Petersen.