Research projects
Fashioning the Viking Age
Fashioning the Viking Age is a collaboration between Ulla Mannering and Charlotte Rimstad, the National Museum Denmark, Ida Demant, Lejre Land of Legends and Eva Andersson Strand, Centre for Textile Research at UCPH. The aim of the project is to create new and archaeologically well-founded interpretations and reconstructions of Viking Age textiles and clothing.
Middle Class Urbanism
Middle Class Urbanism. An interdisciplinary study of the physical reordering of urban sub-Saharan Africa is an interdisciplinary research project funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research (FKK). The aim with the project is to investigate rapid urbanization processes in sub-Saharan Africa with a special focus on the radical transformations of the built environment caused by middle class urbanism.
Tales of Bronze Age People
Tales of Bronze Age People is a “Semper Ardens” interdisciplinary research project, which is a continuation of the ongoing “Tales of Bronze Age Women” research project, both of which are supported by the Carlsberg Foundation. The aim of Tales of Bronze Age People is to shed light on the potential significance that human mobility might have had for the social development that is observed during the Bronze Age. In relation to “Tales of Bronze Age Women”, this new project will expand the investigation of human mobility over the next three years through multi-disciplinary analyses of an additional number of women, as well as men and children from both elite and commoners’ burials. The focus will still be on Danish material. The project is interdisciplinary and uses “state-of-the-art” scientific and physical anthropological methodologies as well as phylogenetic analyses.
Tales of Bronze Age Women
Tales of Bronze Age Women er et 3-årigt tværfagligt forskningsprojekt som undersøger mobilitet, identitet og samfundsroller hos bronzealderkvinder i Danmark. Projektet, som er støttet af Carlsbergfondet, benytter de nyeste forskningsmetoder inden for biomolekylær-, biokemisk-, antropologisk og arkæologisk analyse til at undersøge skeletmaterialet.
The Tumisiut Project
The Tumisiut Project will revitalize the extensive material collected during the Fifth Thule Expedition 1921-1924 in a new and curious process, which will expand our current knowledge and understanding about communities in Arctic Canada, Alaska and Siberia, about the Fifth Thule Expedition, and about the unique ethnographic collection housed by the National Museum of Denmark.
The ArCo project
Arco is a multinational, EU funded research project, dealing with aging related challenges regarding conserved archaeological wood. In Arco, a number of samples of preserved wood treated with different impregnating agents and of different origins will be examined.
Read more about ArCo

Center for Textile Research (CTR)
The Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Textile Research (CTR) has since 2010 been an integrated part of the National Museum of Denmark. CTR explores 2010-2015 the connection between textile/skin, environment and society. In the research programme Textile Crafts and Cultures the unique collections of textile and skin costumes at the National Museum of Denmark dated to the Bronze and Early Iron Age will be explored.
Read more about CTR

Pre-Christian Cult Sites
Pre-Christian Cult Sites is a research project on the pagan religion of the Iron Age and Viking period.Over a five year period the aim is to examine and describe the development of the pre-Christian religion in the first millennium AD in an international, interdisciplinary collaboration involving both humanistic and scientific disciplines.
Continue to the project 'Pre-Christian Cult Sites'.
The Jelling Project
The Jelling Project is a research and publicity project, which centres on the unique monuments at Jelling - a compound with individual parts, that mark both the transition from paganism to Christianity and the establishment of Danish royal power in the Viking Age. The aim is to explore the transformation that Danish society underwent during the Viking Age and early Middle Ages under strong influence from abroad.
Continue on to The Jelling Project.

The Tranquebar Initiative
The Tranquebar Initiative at The National Museum is a joint research and restoration project between The National Museum and Indian and Danish institutions. The objective is to focus on Denmark's history as a colonial power in India and to explore a shared Danish-Indian cultural heritage.
The Tranquebar Initiative are closed and the results are published on a new web-site!
SILA – Arctic Centre
SILA – Arctic Centre at The Ethnographic Collections, The National Museum of Denmark was established in 1999 to carry out archaeological research in the Arctic and North Atlantic regions.
Continue to SILA - Arctic Centre.
The Ghana Initiative
The Ghana Initiative at the National Museum of Denmark is a joint project to investigate the shared cultural heritage of Denmark and Ghana and communicate knowledge of this shared history.
Read more about The Ghana Initiative.
Pots, Potters & Society in Ancient Greece
Pots, Potters & Society in Ancient Greece is a 5 year research project (2008-12) at the Collection of Classical and Near Eastern Antiquities, The National Museum of Denmark. The project is funded by the General Consul Gösta Enbom Foundation and The National Museum.
Read more about Pots, Potters & Society in Ancient Greece.
Cross-disciplinary focal research area
Northern Worlds
The National Museum has launched its largest cross-disciplinary research programme: 'Northern Worlds'. From 2009 to 2013 the initiative will undertake research and interpretation and propagate new knowledge of the relations between man, climate and environment from the Ice Age hunters to the present day populations in the cold regions.
Read more about the research programme 'Northern Worlds'.