Documents in the Library
The archives comprise material with relation to Danish and foreign music personalities, Danish music institutions and societies as well as Danish instrument makers. The material consists of personal archives, small family archives, institution and society archives, instrument maker archives, and material collected in connection with the museum's special exhibitions.
Material of and about e.g. Sigurd Berg, the Bjerregaard Family, August Enna, Angul Hammerich, Hortense Panum, Emil Reimer, Godtfred Skjerne, Alexander Stoffregen, Johan Svendsen, Mogens Zieler, and Aksel Schiøtz is found.
Other archives hold material from Dansk Musikerforbund København, De Københavnske Sangforeninger af 1859, Dansk Musikpædagogisk Forening, Det Danske Heinrich-Schütz-Selskab, Fermaten, EMI, foreningen Ny Musik, Kordirigentforeningen i København, Samfundet til udgivelse af dansk musik and the series Folke- og Skolemusik.

From the instrument maker archives can be mentioned the piano factory Hornung & Møller's archive and the harmonium factory Petersen & Steenstrup's archive.