Modern Danish History

The National Museum's department of Modern Danish History covers Danish history from 1660 until today. All social groups in all areas of Denmark should be able to recognise their own history in the department's collection and the work it undertakes with it.
The many cultural-historical objects in the collection illluminate life in Denmark from the introduction of the absolute monarchy in 1660 until today. The collection includes everything from toys to torture instruments, furniture, bric-a-brac, kitchen utensils, clothes and much more.
The Danish history also covers the inhabitants of the previously Danish areas of Scania, Halland, Blekinge, Schleswig, Holstein, Norway and Iceland. Furthermore the Faroe Islands, Greenland and the previous Danish colony of the Danish West Indies are included.
In February 2017 the National Museum of Denmark embarked on a major registration and packing project in preparation for our move to new storage facilities. This is a resource-intensive project, which means the National Museum’s ability to respond to requests for research and archive visits, loans and photographs will be limited and take longer during the years it takes to complete the move.
We look forward to opening our new storage facilities and resuming our usual high level of service in processing the many inquiries we receive every year about the museum’s collections and archives.
Until then, we thank you for your interest and patience.
The National Museum
Modern Danish History
Frederiksholms Kanal 12
1220 København K
Tel: +45 4120 6201