The offerings in Vimose
The offerings in Vimose intensified nearly 2000 years ago. In the period immediately before the birth of Christ the local farmers sacrificed pots, food and animals. Often the animal was dismembered and only selected parts thrown to a pole. Maybe the rest was used as food for the rest of the offering ceremony?
The first waepons were sacrificed in Vimose around the birth of Christ. It was a single-edged sword and 12 small lance heads. Almost 100 years later army equipment was again sacrificed in the bog, and this time at least 50 lances, spears, swords, shields, belts and combs was deposited. During the 2nd and in particular the 3th century AD the number of weapon sacrifices increased, not only in Vimose, but also on the rest of Funen and Jutland. Well over 2,500 objects were destroyed and thrown into Vimose in the early 3th century AD. The objects were often grouped together in large bundles wrapped with string or clothing. It was often the weapons and other cases that objects from far away, for example swords and sheath from the Roman Empire. Lances and spears came however from Sweden, Norway, Germany and Poland.
This era indicated a struggle for power in Northern Europe. In Vimose the victor sacrificed the spoils to the gods in thanks for the victory. Most likely the leader and conqueror was in charge of these rituals. As people's religious head he staged the sacrificial destruction of thousands of weapons and other military equipment - a symbolic ritual in honor of both gods, friends and enemies.