Domestic and foreign visitors ask different questions about the Danish occupation and resistance 1940-1945.
For this reason, not all answers will be available in both a Danish and an English version.
We are not always able to cope with the total amount of inquiries, and therefore we have had to determine some guidelines:
1) We aim at answering inquiries regarding the museum's own collections and archives within 14 days - but sometimes it may take longer.
2) We likewise aim at answering questions regarding the period of occupation in general as soon as possible. But if you have not received an answer within 3 months, you may alas conclude that we have been unable to finde the time necessary for answering your inquiry.
3) As a general rule we cannot answer questions related to school projects.
4) We cannot engage in consultancy jobs regarding book manuscripts, film projects etc.
5) In regard to inquiries concerning individual members of the Resistance, we are in most cases unable to do more than refer to our general explanation on the subject and to our database with names of resistance fighters.
If you did not find an answer to your questions on this page, please send us a mail with your question.

Resistance fighters
Do you have information on individual members of the Resistance?
Rescue of the Danish Jews
Please find information in the pdf-version of the booklet October 1943 produced in 1993 by assistant professor Therkel Stræde for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
This brochure on Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz published by the German Foreign Ministry might likewise be helpful.
Does any photo documentation of the rescue exist?