Consul General Gösta Enbom and archaeology

Gösta Enbom (1895-1986) was a humanitarian, a talented businessman and someone who was fascinated in antiquity. He was Swedish, but for most of his life lived in Greece, and was greatly interested in the country’s history and archaeology.
Before his death in 1986, he had bequeathed his fortune to Consul General Gösta Enbom’s Foundation, which supports the National Museum’s archaeological work in the Mediterranean region.
Over the years the National Museum’s department of Classical and Near Eastern Antiquities has benefitted from the foundation’s support for, for instance, excavations and archaeological surveys, the projects Pots, Potters and Society in Ancient Greece (2008-2013) and In the House of the Goddess, PhD scholarships, workshops and publications, together with the new arrangement of the Classical and Near Eastern Antiquities exhibition in 1994.